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l'enfant et les sortileges ALT

Alternative design for l'enfant et les sortileges, a collaborative design for the mother puppet, and site specific spectulative design

Finished mother puppet and initial design


Four people are required to control the puppet, person on the inside can control the lower half of the puppet, and can see from a slit from the waist. 


The arms have handles attached to the wrists and elbows of the puppet


The head is supported from the front, but with minimal movement

Screen Shot 2021-05-06 at 12.30.49

Initial site specific set design 


Taking place in the foyer of the Arkwright building at NTU, students are encouraged to watch the performance on their commute to classes. 


Furniture is set around the fireplace to make it look more homely


Drawn using pastels, charcoal, and pencils  

Alt site specific design​


Taking place in the courtyard behind the Arkwright building.


Testing many mother puppets in the space 


Made using photoshop  

PORT 12 OPERA (alt) SET.jpg
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